Best of Both Worlds podcast: The best career advice and much more with Jessi Hempel

Very few people wind up doing the same thing, decade to decade, anymore. Podcasting wasn’t much of a thing in 2014, though it became more of a thing shortly thereafter. Who even knows what ways people will be delivering content in 2034?

In all this, people have to figure out for themselves how to build long-term, sustainable careers. In this week’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, Jessi Hempel, host of LinkedIn’s Hello Monday podcast, (where I am a guest this week!) shares her best career advice. She discusses what it means to trust yourself and think long term with some memorable stories from her own life.

She also talks about how parenting and work decisions get made in a 2-mom household — in some ways things are different, and in some ways quite traditional.

In the Q&A, Sarah and I field a question from a listener wondering how to re-establish momentum after a big career win.

Please give the episode a listen! As always we welcome ratings and reviews. Having a lot of reviews on the major podcast sites (e.g. Apple Podcasts) shows potential guests that we are worth their time. Just a few sentences would be great. Thanks for considering it!

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