I’m taking the day off work, mostly, so here are just a few quick links:
USA Today ran its review of All the Money in the World in the print edition on Monday. Very fun to see my color photo on the back of the money section! The online version of the review ran a few weeks ago.
The Washington Post also favorably reviewed All the Money in the World, calling it “compelling.”
Nicole & Maggie took issue with my pooh-poohing home grown tomatoes. But otherwise called the book “worth a read.”
The Best Chapter runs an interview with me and says the book has helped blogger Diana Bletter revise her financial outlook.
Over at CBS MoneyWatch, a few pieces, but my favorite is about “Two resume mistakes that thwart your goals.” The resume expert I interview says that people spend a lot more energy trying to format their resumes than figure out what goes on them. Having attempted to become an overnight design pro years ago while formatting resumes, I totally sympathize.
We did say it might make more sense to have picked something where the cost benefit analysis was more obvious (at least in places one can’t walk to whole foods), like maybe cucumbers.
Home grown can be better but it is about priorities. Not many working women with kids under 4 are really spending a lot of time on this. We have a garden but I do not get involved in it AT ALL ! Other t han to supervise my kids while grandparents, my brother and my in laws plant and enjoy it!
We weren’t arguing against the main point, just that tomatoes are not time consuming or difficult. Especially if you buy the plants at the grocery store and aren’t particularly careful about watering or scaffolding or whatever else it is people do to make gardening more expensive and time-consuming (or rewarding). And if you don’t have a local Whole Foods or a great farmer’s market (or live in California) it can be difficult to get even halfway decent ones at the grocery store.
Not the example we would pick. We were fine with chickens. If they die a person might even feel guilty. (And I was saddened to read that in blind taste tests people can’t tell the difference in egg quality with local free-range chickens and conventional store-bought, although they do look different and probably have different nutritional profiles.) Though some people do like chickens as a hobby.
I grew up eating eggs from chickens roaming in a river valley and now eat conventional store bought. They taste the same and differences are probably more seasonal than anything. (River chickens eat grain in the winter in the midwest and more grubs ‘n’ bugs in the spring). This reminds me of another article on a taste test between Whole Foods and Walmart. 4 entrees cooked by a professional chef with ingredients from each of the 2 stores. Blind, Walmart won two and Whole Foods won two.
@N&M – update on my tomatoes: the shoots we grew from seedlings all died. So…we went out and bought tomato plants and put them in the garden. We’re now out the purchase price on that and the time for my husband to go to Lowe’s twice. Though granted, he views that as “me-time” and seems to want to escape there every weekend when the kids get grumpy so we probably don’t need to figure the opportunity cost of his time on that one.
since I know am head of HR (nothing will put you to the head of the HR department faster than running a small business) I realize how important keywords are and follow up, more than what is actually on the resume… I skim most resumes… not read them… and then I test candidates and meet them…probably it is different if you are sending to a bigger company but probably more important to network than spend time formatting!